Week 1 Locations (4/7)

As teased in Trail Ramblings, here’s our clues for the first week of our “socially distant scavenger hunt”. Find the locations in the photo, take a photo showing you were there, and post to Facebook or Instagram with hashtag #BicycLincolnHunt or email us the photo at [email protected]. And remember to please keep your distance from others while doing your hunting!


BicycLincoln will release at least 3 new locations on a weekly basis starting Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Locate one of the scavenger hunt locations and take a photo of it somehow showing you were there, it could be a selfie, a piece of paper with your name at the location, or a photo of your bike at the location, get CREATIVE! We just need to be able to ensure you were there. Then, you need to submit your photo(s) to us in one of two ways:

  1. Send your photos to [email protected]
  2. Post them to Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #BicycLincolnHunt
    • When posting to social media, make sure to post them publicly so we can find them and include you in the entries we receive

Each week, we will pick a submission from each of that week’s locations at random to receive a small prize and be featured in our social media.

The contest will end when one of three scenarios happens:

  1. Our prize pool is depleted
  2. We run out of locations to hunt
  3. We determine there is no longer a need or interest in the hunt