May is on the Way

With the first of May just around the corner, we have lots of kickstarts to a summer filled with cycling!

Remember, the National Bike Challenge starts on May 1st, which is Wednesday. Have you signed up and/or formed & joined a team on Endomondo yet? We need everyone logging miles so we can show the country that we’re not just 3rd in the nation, we’re NUMBER ONE! Encourage your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to get out and ride!


To celebrate the start of the challenge, we’re bringing back Friday Night Bikes at Pepe’s Bistro. Meet us there, or organize a group and ride there together! Pepe is settled in at his new location on S. 13th Street in the Indian Village Shopping Center. Join us for delicious food, drinks, and fun at Lincoln’s premier bike-friendly restaurant.


Finally, we have a special event for the women and girls of Lincoln. Board members Elisabeth Reinkordt and Berly Brown, who are also members of Lincoln’s all-women’s cycling club, Sheclismo, have registered Lincoln for the International CycloFemme Today, We Ride Together on May 12th. CycloFemme’s mission is to encourage more women to ride, and to ride together. So, bring along a friend, daughter, mother, sister, aunt, or grandmother, and join us at the Jayne Snyder Trail Center at 2 PM on Sunday, May 12th, for an easy spin down to Ivanna Cone for some ice cream!

In addition to the National Bike Challenge, Lincoln will also be promoting a Bike to Work Week from May 10th through the 17th. Here’s some info from the Mayor’s Office:


The City of Lincoln is partnering with the local bicycling community to encourage residents to participate in Bike to Work Week, May 10 through 17.  Participants who commit to riding to work at least one day that week can receive a free reusable bag full of information and coupons (while supplies last) and will be entered in a drawing for prizes.  Registration sites are:

• Bike Rack, 3321 Pioneers Blvd.

• Cycle Works, 27th and Vine

• Cleaner Greener Lincoln, 2143 “O” St.

• Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department, 3140 “N” St.

• Lincoln Parks and Recreation, 2740 “A” St.


Two events planned for the week:

• A free Kickoff Rally is set for 8 a.m. Friday, May 10 at the Jayne Snyder Trails Center in Union Plaza.  Bikers will meet at 7:30 a.m. at either the Bike Rack or Cycle Works locations listed above and bike as a group to Union Plaza for refreshments.  Riders also are encouraged to ride to the Trails Center from their homes or workplaces.

• A free Ice Cream Social is set for 4:30 to 6 p.m. Friday May 17th at the Jayne Snyder Trail Center features refreshments from the UNL Dairy Store and prize drawings.

Happy trails!