The open trails are in great shape and ’tis the season for group rides and cycling events. Whether it was Trail Trek, Odin’s Revenge (my ride of choice this past weekend), the Lincoln Hustle, the Nacho Ride, or a dozen other cycling events, this past week has seen it.

There’s a ride for everyone’s interest and skill level. For many years I was a solitary commuter and occasional trail rider. I didn’t know about the bicycle culture that exists here in Lincoln. It was not until I signed up for the National Bike Challenge that I even realized that clubs existed! I was hesitant at first about joining up with a group ride. I didn’t know anyone else doing it and didn’t know if I’d like riding with other people, but I did! You can find out about group rides at your local bike shop, or through websites such as Great Plains Trails Network, and of course here at BicycLincoln. Check out our calendar of events.

The more riders you meet, the more events you find out about. And don’t forget about our Commuter Club! Some of us don’t get a chance to get on our bikes for more than commuting, and getting to know others out there on the trails who are doing the same thing is a great asset. It’s something that doesn’t happen if you’re commuting by car. There are also occasional tours of sections of our trail system so those interested in riding them can explore them with a pro.
Whether it’s fat biking, road racing, mountain biking, gravel crushing, social cruising, Randonneuring, commuting or yet more, there really is a ride and a group for everyone. Now go get on your bike.