Last Friday at Bike Club I was waiting for riders to come into Code Beer and pick up a raffle ticket, some information, and maybe a button. With great bike parking right in front, it’s easy to see who rides in. As I asked those coming in after locking up whether they were there for Bike Club, the answer I got most often was “what’s that?”
Lincoln is a bike city, in our view, and we at bicyclincoln are trying to make that official by hosting workshops, helping make better bicycle infrastructure, and getting more people on bikes. To do this we need to continue to grow the cycling community bigger, but I also think we need to be more unified. Become better connected to our cycling community through attending events, using Lincoln’s bike facilities and adding input to surveys and proposals.

I you’d like to see that happen too, and would like to read more about how, check out
If you spend much time on the trails, you may have noticed how friendly people biking on them usually are. Yes, there are those who seem to always have their race faces on, or who don’t always practice good trail etiquette, but even they may break out of character when approached.
We know for a fact that bicycle commuters are the happiest commuters, but people who participate in group cycling activities and the National Bike Challenge also grow our numbers. Congratulations to all who participated in the Cornhusker State Games cycling events, by the way.

Many riders are solitary cyclists, as I was for many years, but there is power (and more fun) in numbers. Some bike shops host group rides, as do groups like Great Plains Bicycle Club. Or you can create your own group. There are clubs both competitive and social. Bike Club isn’t that kind of club. We host meet-ups at local craft breweries the last Friday of the month (usually) so riders can get to know each other and create community.

By five O’clock, looking out the window at Bike Club there was a nearly continuous stream of commuters coming east down the N street cycle track, but few were stopping. I understand people want to get home, don’t go to craft breweries, or have other plans, but how many of them know bicyclincoln exists to make their ride better, and get more people riding?
This coming Saturday at 206 South Antelope Valley Parkway, bicyclincoln and Bike LNK are hosting a workshop about on-street bike networks and routes. If you or someone you know is interested in on-street riding but wants more help with finding good routes, safety tips, or if you have other questions, we will be happy to help. Please help us spread the word. Now go for a ride.