Trail Ramblings: Bicyclincoln Board Applications Close In A Week. Also- Global Fat Bike Day!

If you’d like to be a stronger advocate for bicycling in Lincoln, it’s time to submit your application for board membership. The form has been updated and will accept your applications through December 6. Here in our own corner of the Midwest, riding our wonderful trails and roads, it can be easy to forget what riding elsewhere is like. That is, unless you’re connected to the broader network of cycling advocates and enthusiasts. Our trail system is better than most, yet not as good as some. Maybe you see news from The League Of American Cyclists, People For Bikes, Rails to Trails, and other organizations promoting active transportation and complete streets. Maybe you’d really like to see us do more for transportation equity. Or perhaps you hear about, and have ridden some of those awesome mountain bike parks in other areas and wonder how we could get more of those here. If you would like to do something more to make Lincoln an even better place to ride, send in an application for board membership to bicyclincoln at soon. We need you!

photo credit; Craig Schmidt

We’re looking for a diverse mix of people with useful talents to help us further our goal of getting more people to bike, and bike more often. This happens as biking gets more friendly, safe, easy, and accepted in Lincoln. If we build it they will come, but we also have to grow our own. Want to see more bike-friendly businesses, or restaurant drive-throughs that serve people on bikes? (Yes, please) Do you want us to help empower underserved communities by working to lower barriers to greater bicycle usage? These are all ways to make biking better in Lincoln, but it takes work. If you don’t think you want board membership but want to be involved, we are always looking for people to serve on various sub-committees.

Bicycling will benefit from the new Transportation Alternatives Program in the Infrastructure bill in the form of grants. There’s also an opportunity to request funds from the American Rescue Plan Act for projects such as the Great American Rail Trail. That includes the Cowboy Trail and the MoPac Gap between Wabash and the Lied Platte River Bridge. Have you cycled in our neighboring states? South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota and Missouri (as well as many other states) collect hundreds of millions of dollars each year through bicycle tourism as a result of their investments. We could be doing the same here if we focus our efforts and become more active.

Also, Global Fat Bike Day is this Saturday. You need not ride one to participate in the festivities. Groups of enthusiasts riding range from Brazil to Estonia, Greenland to Lincoln. To find out more, check out Locally, go to