Bike Month Includes Give To Lincoln Day. Among the many worthy causes vying for your attention this coming Thursday the 26th is Bicyclincoln. Last year we used donations to create intersection art near Everett Elementary to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety. Our stated mission is: To provide information and a unified voice for bicycle advocacy in an effort to make cycling in Lincoln more friendly, safe, easy, accepted, and “so that more people bike and bike more often.”
You, the bicyclists of Lincoln, are why we exist. Lend your voice while doing what we all love to do- ride our bikes. We’ll soon have numbers as to how many participated in Bike To Work Week, and it’s various activities, but the month isn’t over yet and Lincoln ranks in the top ten in each of the six categories on the bike Challenge leaderboard. Check it out.
Remember the bikeleague‘s bingo? How many can you check now?

There are still a couple more activities on the calendar this month. The last of the Tour de Lincoln quadrant rides is this Thursday, May 26th, of the Southeast. 15 miles. Meet at 6:00 at the Jayne Snyder Trail Center.
Next, the Nacho Ride to Eagle on Tuesday evenings is on. For more info check out Nacho Ride Lincoln on FaceBook.
And, not this month but starting up in June for the summer on the first and third Thursdays is the Pie Ride to Elmwood. You can start in Eagle or Wabash and ride the MoPac to Elmwood. Go to or look them up on FaceBook.
There are more events and rides out there, just check with your local bike shop or go to for information about Trail Trek, June 26th, and the Trail-A-Thon.
Also, Great Plains Bicycle Club hosts group rides, look them up.