You may have already participated in the survey for the Mountain Bike Facilities Master Plan, and if you have, thank-you! If you haven’t, you have until 10/12, this Wednesday, to have your views expressed. From their website:
“Lincoln Parks and Recreation has embarked upon a master planning effort to look at the future of mountain bike facilities in the community. A working committee of mountain bike enthusiasts has been assembled to help the Lincoln Parks and Recreation Department determine what facilities are most needed and how they can be distributed around the community in order to provide equitable opportunities to all who are interested. Watch this webpage for updates on the master planning process.
Share your input!
The Mountain Bike Facility Survey can be taken from September 22 – October 12, 2022. Survey results will be used to inform the Working Committee and help set the course for the Master Plan.
Goals Discuss range of Mountain Bike Facilities in Lincoln and determine a Level of Service. Recommend priority locations for facilities to serve the community equitably. Discuss different frameworks for design and management of Mountain Bike Facilities. Discuss timing for projects and different funding strategies.
Promise to the Public We will work with you to ensure your concerns and aspirations are directly reflected in the alternatives developed and provide feedback on how public input influenced the decision.
Project Timeline: September 2022 – April 2023: Public input gathered through surveys, communication with interest groups, open house, and public meetings.
October 2022 – February 2023: Working Committee meetings and drafting of Master Plan
March – April 2023: Public review and comment on draft Master Plan
April 13, 2023: Parks and Recreation Advisory Board open meeting to discuss and potentially take action on draft Master Plan.”

Even if you don’t mountain bike, there are reasons to support more bike facilities like these in Lincoln. More options for different kinds of riders means more riders. More riders means cycling has a higher visibility, and with more cyclists come safety in numbers. Motorists become more accustomed to seeing us and realize that that there are other transportation options available. And cycling is fun and good for us and the planet. What’s not to love?
The League of American Cyclists recognizes improved off-road paths and trails as integral to being a bicycle friendly community. From the League:
- Adopt the BFC Action Plan Charter
- Review BFC Resources, FAQs, and information online.
- Form a Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) or Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC)
- Conduct a Bike Parking Inventory or Audit in your community.
- Encourage local employers to apply for the Bicycle Friendly Business designation — and have the city/town set a good example by applying for BFB status as an employer!
- Host a League Cycling Instructor (LCI) seminar or sponsor one or more local residents, bike advocates, and/or city employees to attend an existing LCI seminar elsewhere.
- Create or improve the inventory your community’s bike infrastructure including on-road bike lanes, cycle tracks, neighborhood greenways, and off-road paths and trails.
- Conduct a bike count to start to benchmark and measure ridership in your community.
- Send someone to attend the 2022 National Bike Summit (virtually or in-person!)
- Organize a local bicycling event or series of events such as…”
It’s time! Let’s make some more mountain bike trails, Lincoln.