Trail Ramblings: Have You Seen Aunt Dottie?

There’s a new resource for Cyclists and other trail users in Nebraska. Bike Walk Nebraska has released a new civic database so that we can identify and advocate for the changes we need to make cycling better for Nebraskans. The interactive database includes maps, connections to city and state officials, ordinances and laws. It’s a kind of active transportation version of the Ghandi quote “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” By this I mean that rather than waiting for someone else to identify and fix the problem areas that make it difficult or dangerous to navigate our built environment, we may now have the tools to start the process ourselves. We are all advocates. It will take a certain amount of time to acquaint yourself with the site. It contains a lot of information and in the time I took to poke around in it, I realized it will require more visits to begin to really understand how it can best be used.

So how was your bike week? Did you ride to work and errands? Take a bike tour of with friends? Keep up your momentum with this week’s Nacho ride (watch out for soft trails) on Tuesday and the last quadrant of the Tour De Lincoln on Thursday. And of course use your bike for all the transportation uses you can. It’s more fun by bike!