So how are those summer tours, rides, and races going? It’s definitely high season because we had three Warm Showers bike touring guests in one week! If you tour, do you ride supported? Do you tour with your gear in panniers or bike pack with frame bags, or a combination? It all works, find what works for you, ride and enjoy. Whether you prefer to ride with a few friends, go solo, or with 25,000-30,00 friends like I found myself the last couple of days, each kind of tour has its advantages. You can decide to camp, stay at lodgings, or use Warm Showers. You do not need to be an ultra athlete. You do need to ride a bike that fits well but there are no rules about what kind of bike to use, or how many miles a day to ride. Some even have a support vehicle to aid their tour, a good alternative if you want to tour with someone who is unable to ride.

I’d never ridden in the world’s largest cycling event, RAGBRAI, which is in it’s 51st year, but I decided I should do it once, anyway, even for just a few days. I’ve done other tours, each different, but RAGBRAI is unique. Imagine that many riders coming through or camping in a town of 5000. the energy and shear number of cyclists is amazing. The towns on the route offer food, drink, an expo, and other necessities along with live bands and other entertainment. The vibe is a celebration of all things bicycle. No photo manages to capture it. I know a couple of Lincolnites who rode to the start in Glenwood, I rode from Omaha and will only rode a few days into Iowa before riding back, not all the way across the state to the Mississippi River.

Many riders wear team kit with identifying elements, like the spoon heads and pink flamingos. After all, you need to find your friends when you get separated, and it adds individuality. The costuming can get pretty inventive. There is a surprising number of children along, on tandems, tag-alongs, and trailers. Whether they’re doing the whole tour or are day-trippers I don’t know. Also riders that are in their 80’s, without an e-bike. This is supposed to be the hilliest RAGBRAI ever, so I wish them luck.
The organizational needs for a tour are massive. Bikes and tents completely swamp a small town. It’s a huge fundraiser for local businesses and organizations. The tour de Nebraska and Bran have similar impacts on a smaller scale. Individual riders also have an impact. Rails to Trails Conservancy estimates the economic impact of the Great American rail trail through Nebraska will be:

I stopped by the Rails to Trails booth and told them I’d be attending the meeting on Tuesday July 30 and they gave me a t-shirt . The Connect MoPac Study Team will be hosting a second round of open houses from 11:00 to 1:00 and from 5:00 to 7:00. The Location is the Round The Bend Steakhouse at 30801 E Park Hwy, Ashland. The meetings will provide an update about the study and outline the potential connector routes being evaluated. You can also ask questions and offer feedback. Come out and see what’s happening.