Here in our own corner of Nebraska, riding our wonderful trail system, it can be easy to forget about what riding in other places is like. That is, unless you’re connected to the broader network of cycling advocates and enthusiasts. Our trail system is better than many, yet not as good as some. Maybe you see news from The League Of American Cyclists, People For Bikes, Rails to Trails, and other organizations promoting trails, active transportation and complete streets. Maybe you’d really like to see us do more for transportation equity. Perhaps you hear about, and have ridden some of, those awesome mountain bike parks in other localities and wonder how we could get more of those here. If you’re someone who cares about, and would like to do something more to make Lincoln an even better place to ride, send in the application for board membership to BicycLincoln by 02-10-25. Let’s continue to make biking better and safer, get more people riding bikes, and riding more often.

From the application: BicycLincoln is excited to welcome new voices to its Board of Directors starting in 2025! Our mission is to provide information and a unified voice for bicycle advocacy in an effort to make cycling in Lincoln more friendly, safe, easy, accepted, and “so that more people bike and bike more often.” We’re seeking individuals who are passionate about bettering the cycling experience in our community. Whether you’re an avid cyclist, a casual rider, or someone who simply cares about the biking community, we’d love to have you.
The BicycLincoln Board of Directors meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM. Board members are expected to participate in meetings and events throughout the year, helping us create a positive impact in the community.
The application period will close on February, 2025. Applicants will be notified of the Board’s decision after our February meeting. New Board member terms will begin immediately upon acceptance and continue until January 2027 (a two year term).
We’d love to have you join us—apply and help shape the future of cycling in Lincoln!