Trail Ramblings: Do You Know How To Prepare For Winter Cycling?
Every year I find myself writing again about how to stay comfortable riding in cold weather, but first you may ask, why do it? Isn’t it the off season? While …
Every year I find myself writing again about how to stay comfortable riding in cold weather, but first you may ask, why do it? Isn’t it the off season? While …
For the past two weeks Trail Ramblings has been on the road getting to know a little about the cycling scene in… Cuba. In only two weeks I could barely …
If you’ve ridden downtown in the last couple of days you may have noticed changes happening on P and Q streets. Paint has appeared marking bike lanes from 17th to …
After many months of meetings and studies, the MoPac East Connector Trail Study Group has recommended alignment D. The alignment every cyclist I talked to wanted, if we couldn’t have …
Also- If you didn’t catch the news coverage about the ribbon cutting last week for the new location of the Bike Kitchen at 308 S. 21st. St., catch it here. …
A Guest Post by Marie Gregoire, VP Nebraska Trails Foundation. Board of Directors, Cass County Tourism. Closing September 2024 with a big bang for Trails.There was so much excitement on …
I know I’ve been posting a lot about this lately, but it’s big news in the cycling community and we need to keep abreast of it and add comments to …
The last two weekends BicycLincoln has tabled at the Festival Latino and the Harvest Moon Festival at Antelope Park. We wanted to connect with the community and get feedback from …
What is gap 55? it’s Rails to Trail’s designation for the trail gap between the end of the MoPac East in Wabash and the Platte River Bridge near South Bend.. …
People ride bikes for different reasons, and sometimes for all of them. From the strictly utilitarian to the weekend joy rider, it’s what we love to do. For some of …