Press Release 2014 Bike Challenge

Lincoln surprised more than a few people across the country by finishing in 1st place for communities with populations of 200,000+ in the second annual National Bike Challenge during the …


A few years back I attended a Midwest Active Transportation Summit in Omaha. The speakers included an ex-mayor of Madison, WI and, at the time, the Advocacy Director of Trek …


A few years back I attended a Midwest Active Transportation Summit in Omaha. The speakers included an ex-mayor of Madison, WI and, at the time, the Advocacy Director of Trek …


A few years back I attended a Midwest Active Transportation Summit in Omaha. The speakers included an ex-mayor of Madison, WI and, at the time, the Advocacy Director of Trek …


A few years back I attended a Midwest Active Transportation Summit in Omaha. The speakers included an ex-mayor of Madison, WI and, at the time, the Advocacy Director of Trek …

Lincoln Winter Bike Challnge

With our top place finish in this year’s National Bike Challenge, we are excited to show how we are not just fair weather riders. The Lincoln Winter Bike Challenge starts …

Bike and Bus Monthly Bike Rack Usage

Installed April of 2011, Lincoln StarTran’s Bike and Bus has seen steady growth. The numbers show that Lincolnites use their bikes for muli-transportational use. First number: bikes on bus for …

Press Release for Lincoln Bike Challenge

Lincoln Set to Celebrate 1st Place in National Bike Challenge (Lincoln, NE)—The city of Lincoln achieved first place among class one cities from across the country (cities with a population …

2013 National Bike Challenge

It was a cold wet day with even a threat of snow May 1st, the kickoff day of the 2013 National Bike Challenge. In the months to come we had …

Half Way There

We just passed the half way point for the 2013 National Bike Challenge. Right off the bat at the start of the Challenge, May 1st, Lincoln had a strong showing …